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Things Go Wrong

What could possibly go wrong if you order a plant online? Here are a few ideas. Don't be discouraged,we can make helpful suggestions  for you  to be good at this. And you might have a useful idea or two.This section is our general troubleshooting topic.  You ordered a plant and it arrived, BUT: here are a few examples we can help you with.

■The plant is dying or is dead on arrival.■The plant looked good for a few weeks, but it's  now fading fast.■The plant came on time, but it has bugs on it.■The plant is not the size I ordered.■The plant is bare-rooted, no pot and no soil.

■The plant was poorly packed and the vibrations in transit damaged plant, soil and roots.■The box delivery was delayed and contents are damaged in transit.■The plant didn't  arrive, but tracking says it did.■The messages you sent to your seller show them to be uncooperative.

Please don't look at this list and shy away from ordering a plant online. Most sellers want to give you a happy experience.  But a plant,every plant, is unique. The pictures you see online are only  representative of when is being sold.It is very rarely the actual plant.

 Some nursery plants are more uniform than others. A Parlor palm, for example will probably ship out very much like the picture you see. But a Peace Lily, with a white flower or two will be highly variable. It may not have a flower, the flower might be green, the flower may not be white, the leaves may droop from dehydration, and the number of leaves might not match.

But here you have help. Help in choosing,in dealing with issues of transport, and with issues of care and upkeep.

Good news!Our book of blurbs will soon be online, so you'll have a lot of information  at your fingertips in the happy plants department.

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