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Kate Middleton compared with Meghan Markle

Have you ever wondered why Meghan Markle really left British Royalty?

Of course it's not got a simple answer, but let's really dig in to what really went on.

Kate Middleton had a seriously long running- in time before she and William tied the knot . Elocution lessons, and royal etiquette lessons were her itinerary for quite a while.

Meghan, on the other hand, was thrown into the royal family with little or no assistance in dress or formalities. It was a sink or swim situation with little help from Kate Middleton or any of the ladies of the crown. Meghan's debut was at a wedding surrounded by her own unfortunate family gossip.A global affair watched across the world and re-watched and analyzed and even to this day discussed Them there was soon after the closely followed by the "garden party" debacle, a really Royal engagement in which she was told to leave by Embarrassing.

But Meghan had an ace up her sleeve.Kate Middleton wasn't trained in voice or public speaking. Meghan was a professional actress, voice and public speaking mannerisms attached. Meghan can speak effortlessly without a script in public and on any number of topics dear to her heart.Kate will never project that kind of self assurance because it would require something she cannot have -that kind of risk-taking that frees a speaker to feel free to fail. Meghan's career as an actress may have had many failures especially at the begining, but after much experience and success she's now at the top of her game.

Dressing requires a perfect body. Kate achieved this with very little deviation from a perfect size x-small in spite of three pregnancies. We can see that Meghan felt free to keep her few additional pregnancy pounds for a few additional months and is slightly more relatable because of it. Few women have the means nor the unswerving desire to be an exact size and shape over a decade, able to re-wear items worn a decade ago.

Confidence is the hallmark of Meghan. The ability to openly profess depressed times in her life, and be available to public scrutiny. Kate would never allow the public to see herself that up close and personal. Brittle and unswerving in her plot to attain the dignity and aloofness modeled by the deceased. queen Elizabeth II, she is in perpetual hiding as a person. Her choice of nanny for the children aids and abets her in this quest for


The privacy required for Kate and family has been well studied and well executed for decades. Meghan doesn't have this well-studied buffer and has been accused of falling afoul of the hired help on more than one occasion, earning her a nickname which less than attractive.But Meghan's work filming the successful "Suits" series brought her into contact with a collection of actors and studio workers in Canada over a long period of time with no such accusations.

Meghan and Kate do have one common feature. Both have both been judged unworthy by the British 'upper crust'. 'Waity Katy' was brandished by William's friends. Kate's mother, a mere airline attendant was similarly abused."Doors to manual" a key phrase denoting her lowly job as flight attendant .Meghan of course met the same kind of fate but from a different angle. Hers was the race blemish. Although only half African american, and drop dead gorgeous, Meghan's suitability based on race was brought into question by at least two members of the royal family. This, incidentally was happening in a country that had a Commonwealth full to the brim with many shades of black.

Another wrinkle in the Meghan vs Kate saga has to do with Harry. Before Meghan came along, there was Kate and William and Harry.

Harry was fun, Kate and he were best buddies, sharing a sense of humor and many many encounters because Harry was a part of the threesome. Kate was so close to Harry, she even attempted to keep him in check.A nice comfortable arrangement over several


Then along came Meghan. Beautiful. Gifted, with a career of her own. With the self-assurance and ability to speak in a way none of Kate's elocution lessons could ever impart. And gone, in a real sense, was Harry. We don't need to project love or intimacy between Kate and Harry to know Meghan must have left an unexpected void in Kate's life. An unexpressed void, because Kate could never let anyone know, least of all herself.

So quiet daggers were drawn, hidden for a while, but eventually expressed by small skirmishes . Who made whom cry before Meghan's wedding?This was noted and amplified in the media .

For Meghan, with her confidence and love for Harry, limping along with all the artistry of an actress and filling a less than rehearsed role, the cost was high in mental well being. It was not a quick fix setting in which she and Harry could live happily ever after. Distance from the unspoken venom of the British media and of the rejection felt from the royal family was the only option.

At a high cost financially and from a power point of view, Meghan took what she saw as the only way out. Leaving the British isles was her quick fix. Kate was left without a ripple in her smooth-sailing life.

There were a few slight rumors of unkindness to Meghan, but damage control is the Middleton Middle name. Even her parent's bankruptcy was a hushed event. Even William's purported extramarital dalliance was quietly buried. All that was left behind was a sigh of relief and a lot of Meghan bashing by the press who believed that Harry had been led astray by yet another divorced and wiley American actress. Another Wallis Simpson.

But there is a big difference here.

Times have changed the Royal family and there were now high public expectations for a happy union. The British public now appeared ready for an American divorcee of unremarkable lineage. But not for the skin tone of an African American. Not for their boy, the ever popular Prince Harry. There were the photo-ops. Meghan with HM. Sitting together and smiling. Together. Meghan with that uncomfortable caped frock. What was she thinking! Meghan with Kate at Wimbledon. Kate in a proper frock. Meghan in -no, surely not- pants with striped shirt! And at the parade at Buckingham Palace. Meghan riding in a horse-drawn carriage wearing, surely not, an off the shoulder pink coat-dress.

Tiny missteps add up into bigger and bigger events. A purloined letter from Meghan to her father failed to minimize the shoddy side of her family in anguish. The British press were having a field day stoking up the British hated of all foreigners, especially those black. The undercurrent became a raging torrent. More offensive than the Middleton "doors to manuel" applied to Kate's Mom, it was designed to force Meghan out, in true social isolate style.

The antidote would have been Kate Middleton. By that point in time Kate was fully established in all her perfection. Cleverly wedging herself into the Royal "Firm", producing heirs, looking right, sounding right on all occasions and above all accepted by the people of Great Britain as worthy of future monarch-hood.

Kate could have done more than appearing with Meghan Markle at Wimbledon. She could have pushed the British media back onto their money-grubbing presses and been a force against that prejudiced majority the media was writing for. But Kate Middleton makes no waves. And why should she, when there would be no longer competition? With lifting her finger, Meghan the beautiful, the talented, the great speaker and thinker could be pushed out of the British isles for good?

And so it was.

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